mango's are favourite of all,raw or ripe, but it's a seasonal fruit ;so why not make something yummy,which can be stored and relished for a whole year......

  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • > 300 gram sugar
  • > 1 cup water
  • > 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  • > 1/2 teaspoon citric acid
  • > 125 gram peeled grated desi kerry(raw mango)(boiled n purred)
  • > 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • > 1 teaspoon black salt
  • > 1 tablespoon saffron water
  • > 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
  • > 1/2 teaspoon dry mint powder
  • > 1/4 teaspoon yellow color
  • > 1/4 teaspoon potassium-meta-bai-sulfat(preservative)

In a pan mix water,sugar,ginger paste n boil till sugar melt.


Keep d flame of d gas fast n add citric acid n strain d syrup.


Than again pour in d pan,& add purred kerry.


Add powder spices,n boil for 3 min. n cool it


Mix PMBS(preservative) in 1tsp water n colour n add to syrup


Store in a sterlized glass bottles n it can b stored for one year without refrigeration

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By Sangeeta on Jun 20, 2011

Hi Hennu,ya it"s like PANNA,but in PANNA , we don"t make sugar syrup,just add everything to the roasted / boiled , and pureed raw mango.You can store this syrup in refrigerator for a year without adding PMBS.and on self for 3 months ,without adding PMBS.And yes ,Hindi name for PMBS is same, as in English as it is a chemical:)

By chitra on May 15, 2011

This drink is also known as PANNA .very cooling n refreshing during hot summers.I would like to know what is hindi abb. for PMBS(preservative).n also,if i don't add this to the syrup then what is the shelf life of this drink ?