The following table lists an approximate conversion between Gas Mark and Electric Ovens. But keep in mind to keep this as a guideline since every oven might work differently depending upon the type, brand, size, climate (altitude, temperature, humidity) etc.
Fahrenheit Celsius Gas Mark Description
225 F 110 C 1/4 Very cool/very slow
250 F 130 C 1/2 ----
275 F 140 C 1 Cool
300 F 150 C 2 ----
325 F 165 C 3 Very moderate
350 F 180 C 4 Moderate
375 F 190 C 5 ----
400 F 200 C 6 Moderately hot
425 F 220 C 7 Hot
450 F 230 C 8 ----
475 F 240 C 9 Very hot
References: and OnlineConversions

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