One of the common question I get is how to rectify a so and so dish cos its been salted in excess.
Depending on the kind of dish you are making, you can try the following:
  • In case of soups or stews , add in some raw potatoes. The potatoes will absorb the salt and you can remove the potatoes later on. Also note that at times, you might be in need to add in some more salt since the potatoes can absorb a lot more than you probably need it too :)
  • Adding in some cream or yogurt also helps to reduce the excess salt.
  • Make a dough with wheat flour and water (just a little bit) and drop it to the dish. Cook your dish along with it and then remove it before serving. This helps to absorb the excess salt. The same technique can be followed by simply adding a spoon of flour on the side of the dish.  Do not move it or touch it and you will find it becoming a dough. Remove it after few minutes.

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