This moist cake is not only eggless but is completely Dairy free. Low in fat/calories, it makes for a delicious and aromatic cake. Recipe makes 12 cupcakes.
The unique dark pink color that plums impart to traditional lemonade not only makes it attractive but also adds a unique & different flavor to usual lemonade.
Protein rich Vegetarian substitute for meat, Tempeh gets Thai influence with these aromatic Cakes/Cutlets. This easy Vegan recipe can be baked too. Gluten Free
Luscious Mango Coconut milk icecream is homemade without using machine. Bursting with flavor, color & creaminess its a must try recipe. Easy to put together.
This immensely nutritious smoothie is Vegan, sugar free and is delicious. Some chia seeds as topping adds to its nutritive value. Great for breakfast & evening.