May be I was a vampire or something in my previous birth (Now waittaminute! Do those things even have this cycle of births!!! Don't they like live -"forever"! Boring I say!) - I dunno! I just am not cut out for that and love cooler places. So when the Sun started "blessing" everyone around me and all were rejoicing away on the streets, yours truly was sitting quietly in the shade and sipping - Aguas Frescas :) Agua Fresca is a Mexican boon to parched throats. "Aguas" in Spanish means "water" and "Frescas" meaning "Fresh". Its a famous drink often sold by street vendors there although its now available even in high class Mexican restaurants. Humble with a mighty status, it sure seems to have earned for itself :)

Its a simple juice made with variety of flavors - tamarind, fruits, seeds or flowers. The array is mind boggling. For today, I have made Watermelon Agua Fresca - simply said, Watermelon Juice. Watermelon has a cooling property and its immense water content is a boon during this hot season. Especially in place like India - this drink will seem like nectar from heavens! The trick to making a classic Agua fresca is to make sure there is
no pulp in the drink which makes it more like a smoothie or slush. You need a smooth drink. Also you can add as much water to it as you please. Since watermelon by itself has lots of water content, I like to add more watermelon and less water as opposed to what many online recipes suggest. I also adore lemons and mint in my drink hence have been generous with it. But it all comes down to your customized taste - hence work around this recipe to match your needs :)
By Watermelon Cocktail | on Sep 4, 2013