Lemon linguine Pasta Recipe with Mascarpone Cheese sauce
One question I am oft asked at Chef In You, is how I manage to cook my day to day meals with a full time job. Oh well, to be truthful, I don't cook elaborate meals daily. Most of the time its quick and easy ones which I resort to feed my loved ones. Time and energy permitting, I then think of  other elaborate meals. But I can be very fussy when it comes to the variety just like any other kid out there. I need color, need the variety. I cannot for the life of me eat the same thing day after another. I get easily bored. In this case, I have no one else to blame but me. Hence I have many under 15 minute meals which I keep under my thumb that I can prepare at quick notice without making it monotonous.
Lemon linguine Pasta Recipe with Mascarpone Cheese sauce
I am not one to skimp on rich/fried foods. I love it all. I don't believe in deprivation and certainly love indulgence - though in moderation. I do not think of eating that way on all the 7 days of the week. 2 days of fried foods? No issues - make it up by way of expending them more by way of  working out or doing more physical work and eating sensibly the remaining 4 days.  This pasta is in the middle of it - Not your typical "health" food but not a sinful fiesta either. Just an indulgence which won't make me guilty. And the best part is - yes, haven't come to that part yet -  is the time it takes to make this and the effort involved. Its a joke! Extremely easy to put together with minimal ingredients.  Play around with the recipe as per your palate - its v versatile. I personally think Mascarpone Cheese and Pasta are pair made in heaven! Just 1 tbsp added to pasta makes it mindbogglingly delicious! Its a favorite in my house and I used this loved combo to make this recipe.
  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Serves: 2 people
  • 4 Oz wholegrain linguine
  • abt 2 tbsp Mascarpone cheese / or use fat free/low fat cream cheese (make your own Mascarpone at home)
  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon (or as per taste)
  • 1/4 cup cubed carrots
  • 1/4 cup frozen peas
  • salt to taste
  • cilantro/parsley to garnish
1. I usually try to avoid boiling vegetables unless its for soups. So while boiling the water for pasta, I used the same vessel to steam my carrots. I placed a steamer basket on top of the boiling water and steamed my carrots for few minutes. I tossed in the frozen peas in the last few minutes.
2. Cook the wholegrain linguine according to package instructions.
3. While the pasta cooks, in a large bowl, add 2 tbsp cheese and the lemon zest along with the juice.
4. We want to be able to create a cheese sauce without adding fat. Usually adding some olive oil will make this more richer and delicious. But instead of the oil, I add about one tablespoon of the hot pasta water and create a sauce out of the same. Whisk them well.
5. Add the cooked linguine along with the steamed vegetables.
6. Toss it well. You can add more cheese/lemon juice/pasta water/salt as per taste.
Garnish with the herb of your choice and serve. Simple, colorful, quick and needless to say - appetizing. Sending this yummy plate to my dear gal pal Siri who is hosting Presto Pasta Event. See more about the event here Lemon linguine Pasta Recipe with Mascarpone Cheese sauce

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By Weekly Meal Plan – Making everyday cooking easy on Mar 16, 2013

[...] Linguine with Mascarpone Cheese [...]

By chenddyna schae on Aug 30, 2012

Hi a bit confused, how come you use cheese in your recipes, thought this is a vegan site

This is a Vegetarian and Vegan site - as my tag line mentions --DK

By Maissaa on Jan 16, 2012

I ts a great dish

By kanika on Dec 21, 2010

Hi DK, Ur recipe looks cool and simplew and easy to make.Just wanted to ask can i use sour cream blended with some cheese instead of "Mascarpone cheese"

By Aparna Mallya on Oct 5, 2010

I tried this recipe. Will blog abt it soon. Thanks for a recipe with such awesome ingredients.

By Radhika Vasanth on Aug 18, 2010

Looks simple and delicious. Loved the idea of using a steamer on top of the pasta pot.

By Derek on Aug 17, 2010

I have made something very similar to this for my family, we enjoyed it very much. My question for you was, have you ever used microgreens for your dishes, if so, how did you like it?

I have not yet used microgreens...will def. try it out when i can and post my views on it :)

By SD on Aug 16, 2010

Hey ... Wonderful... Quick and easy.. But what is the substitute for mascarpone? Cream cheese?

while there isnt any substitute for mascarpone (nothing beats that awesome taste), you can try these as suggested online - 1) cream cheese 2)Mix equal amounts of cream cheese and sour cream 3) Ricotta cheese and heavy cream beaten together well until it come together.. Hope this helps

By Joanne. on Aug 15, 2010

Under 15 minute meals sound good to me! Especially if they involve mascarpone and are this tasty

By Leena on Aug 15, 2010

Lovely pasta dish...Bookmarked!!

By Simple and Easy Cooking With Pasta « shiyan on Aug 14, 2010

[...] Lemon Linguine Pasta recipe with Mascarpone Cheese Sauce | Chef In You [...]

By Siri on Aug 13, 2010

Thanks girl for such a colorful entry. steaming veggies instead of boiling them is such a neat idea to preserve their nutrition. will do that from next time onwards. :-D Hugs, Siri :)

By Ameya on Aug 13, 2010

Im totally with you on indulgence in a moderate fashion! I certainly don't skimp on fat either. This pasta looks delicious and simple to make! I can't wait to try it. By the way, I made your onion kulchas the other day using mostly whole wheat flour and they came out fantastic!

By Tweets that mention Lemon Linguine Pasta recipe with Mascarpone Cheese Sauce | Chef In You -- Topsy.com on Aug 13, 2010

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by D_K, D_K. D_K said: Another one of those quick meals which I love to put together. Healthy yet with a welcome indulgence :) http://fb.me/GAL2O6td [...]