I usually tend to include a variety of beans/lentils in my diet to make up for the protein since we are on a vegetarian diet. Among such, I use what is called as Mexican yellow bean - also called as Mayocoba bean. (Other names are : maicoba bean, azufrado bean, canaria bean, canario bean, Peruvian bean, or a Peruano bean. )

It is rich in protein where 1/4 cup of the bean yields 8g of protein. They taste buttery and can be used similar to Pinto beans. I use these bean soaked overnight for many side dishes and here I have used it for my salad along with Black beans. Between the black beans and Mayocoba, this salad is a protein powerhouse. You can replace Mayocoba with chickpeas too in case you don't find them near you.
By Heidi on Jul 15, 2014