Actually today is a HOLI ,a festival of colors,so i made this sweet insteadof regular halwa and all..hope you guys will love it too...Happy n Safe Holi 2 all those who are celebrating it...:))))))))))))))

  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Yields: make small size of around 12-15 balls
  • 500 gram Red apple (thickly grated with skin)
  • 200 gram cottage or ricotta cheese or paneer (grated)
  • 200 gram process cheese (grated)
  • 100 gram malai (cream from top of the boiled hot whole milk)
  • 250 gram condensed milk
  • few drops of butter scotch essence
  • For Coating:
  • 1/2 cup caster Sugar
  • 1/2 cup poppy seeds (roasted)
  • For Serving:tooth picks-as needed

In a non stick pan add all ingredients together,except essence,and stirring constantly till the mixture leaves the side of pan.


Cool it off and add essence,and mix well,refrigerate for 10-15 min.Mean while mix the caster sugar and poopy seeds and spread in a flat dish for coating balls.


Make small marble size balls and coat in the mixture of coating,tuck the tooth picks and serve chilled....:)


NOTE: In a same way you can make any fruit balls.Pears,Pineapple,Strawberry,blackberry or even passion fruit taste wonderful with cheese.


NOTE: If you wish you can add roasted and coarsely crushed almond or walnut or cashew nuts powder to the above mixture.


NOTE: IF you wish you can add cocoa powder or drinking chocolate powder to it,to make it CHOCOLATE flavored.

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