Sandesh is a famous sweet from ,Bengal.During winter it is made with "nalen gur"...which means new jaggery.Sandesh is available in many different flavors and shape........tastes devine....:)

  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Yields: 15-20 normal size
  • 500 gram cottage cheese (home-made)
  • 4 tablespoon sugar (powdered)
  • 1/4 cup jaggery (mashed)
  • 1/4 cup fig (boiled and pureed)
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

On the flat surface,rubb the cheese,knead till the cheese becomes soft and smooth. To this add the sugar,mix well.


Add jaggery and mix well.In a non stick pan a this mixture and by constantly stirring cook till all things bind.


Cool the mixture and separate 1/4 portion from it,to which add cocoa powder and mix well and make small balls,keep aside.


In a greased mold place fig mixture and in center keep the cocoa mix ball,cover the mold and shape.


Store in refrigerator till use,can be stored for 15 days in refrigerator.

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