I made this katli,by using canned lichi juice,the taste is divine,if you have fresh lichi can use it"s juice too......the fragrance and tste of lichi blends so well with almonds...i don"t have a word to define it...:)

  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Yields: make normal size 13-15 pieces
  • 500 gram almonds (soaked,peeled and pureed-can use little bit water to make fine paste)
  • 450 ml lichi juice (tatra pack)
  • For Garnish:
  • silver varakh

In a deep heavy bottom pan,mix almond paste and lichi juice,Cook this mixture on low flame, stirring constantly,till the mixture,started leaving the pan.


Cool the mixture,make a 1/2 inch thick chapatti of it,apply silver varakh on it with light hands and then cut it into diamond shape.


Can be stored on self for a week in air tight container.

Recipe Reference

actually for ma sunday brunch party i wanted to try some traditional sweet but with twist and also don"t wanted to waste so much time on it,so i tried it.i didn"t used sugar or any fat or milk for making it,as traditionally used while making this sweet....:)

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By Sangeeta on Dec 20, 2011

sorry i dont have any clue about this,u may check in any super markets or any Indian guddies store,other wise you can any how avoid it,taste will not differ,just there is a change in look...: :wink:

By yogi on Dec 19, 2011

Can u let mek now where can we buy Silver Varakh here in US ??? Thanks in advance ! WEl, thanks ffor the recipe - its now in my to-make list