I dint want to feel that I am back to humdrum, hence made some hearty barley soup, with paneer added for the added nutrition. I remembered seeing a similar recipe with chicken in it and to make my substitution with a vegetarian protein I used some skim milk paneer which is homemade. You can use shop bought ones too - no harm done.

The amount of barley is upto you - whether you want to make 1 complete meal out of it or just as a starter. This Soup was all I had to see me through the day, so I added a little more Barley than reqd. and the Paneer was to give me the energy boost to make sure I dint get hungry soon after. I served it with some left over
Saffron and Basil Breadsticks which I posted already. Together (2 breadsticks and 1 bowl of soup) was so hearty that I dint feel hungry until dinner!!!! (although I did eat a few assorted nuts in the evening to fulfill my food pyramid requirements)
By tehrin on Feb 9, 2012