How to make dinner rolls (Indian Pav ) recipe
What Indians refer to as Pav (as in Pav Bhaji) is probably the dinner rolls to the western world! The soft textured buttery rounded bread is a world of its own! There is something to be said about the pillowy texture of these rolls which makes me go totally crazy for them! They are so versatile - use them as starters along with your soups, they make great breakfast bread with some butter and jam or use them as a side for something very spicy eg. Indian Pav Bhaji
How to make dinner rolls (Indian Pav ) recipe
Its one of those rare baked goods which finds its way in without me tinkering it to add some wholegrains in it. Of course I have some healthy wholegrain versions too like this Quinoa dinner rolls but these are also most welcomed in my kitchen. I esp. love them with some butter and jam! Bliss!
They are v easy to make and don't require lengthy or strenuous effort. They also make great presentation at your dinner table while entertaining. After I made them for the first time, I stopped getting the store bought ones. These are as good as any you can find and what more they are home made too! (not to say Fresh!). This is a basic dinner roll recipe.
  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Yields: Makes around 12 rolls or pavs
  • 3 cups Bread flour plus few more for dusting (See Tips)
  • 2-1/4 tsp Active Dry Yeast
  • 1/4 cup lukewarm Water
  • 1-1/4 cups milk ( replace 1/4 cups with 1 beaten egg if you prefer)
  • 3 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • 3/4 tsp Salt
1. Bread Flour : If you do not have Bread Flour, you can use All Purpose flour. It has come to my knowledge thanks to few members and others who have tried this recipe that using equal amounts of all purpose flour makes a very wet dough and you need more flour to make it into pliable consistency. Normally I would recommend not more than 1/2 cup (with 3/4 cup max) all purpose flour but many members mentioned that it was more like an additional 2-3 cups flour. But thanks to Mittu's feedback, I would stick to only 1/2 cup additional flour. Pls refer her perfectly explained comment for details.

If you want to Bake using Microwave pls refer to these articles:
1) How to Bake in Microwave
2) How to Bake in Microwave Convection Oven

For making Substitutions please refer my handy chart:
1) Baking substitutions
2) Egg Substitutions
1. Warm the milk to lukewarm (not hot) and add the butter to it so that it melts in the milk. Set aside. Mix yeast and water together along with sugar. Give it a stir and set aside until frothy.
2. Now add the salt and milk+butter mixture to the yeast and stir well. Slowly add the flour one cup at a time to this mixture until slowly incorporated.
3. It will slightly sticky - dont add in more flour until really necessary. The stickiness will be replaced by smooth elasticity while kneading.  On a lightly floured surface , use all your muscles (or develop them!) to knead the dough very well. This exercise is important for the gluten to develop in the dough. This process (depending upon how much you have been working out at gym) takes about 8-15 minutes!!!!
4. Once done, the dough looks this - soft yet v lightly sticky.
5. Place this on a lightly oiled bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap. (or damp towel).
6. Place it aside in a humid place until doubled.
7. Turn out this dough on a floured surface and roll it out into a square.
8. Using a knife cut it into 12 pieces.
9. Roll each piece out in your palm to form a rounded shape (or rolls). Place them side by side on a baking sheet taking care to leave about 1-1/2 to 2 inch space in the middle. Place them aside once again to double. Its fine if they dont look perfectly round.
10. They will take a beautiful shape once they double again. They will also stick to each other once doubled giving that great roll shape.
11. Now bake them in a pre heated 350F oven for 20-30 min until golden brown.
12. Cool them for few minutes before serving them
We enjoyed it both with our soup for dinner and with Jam and butter for breakfast the next day! Needless to say these rolls dint last long for me to consider storage for long term! How to make dinner rolls (Indian Pav ) recipe They can be very beautifully pulled apart to make single serving. How to make dinner rolls (Indian Pav ) recipe

Ideal Accompaniments

6 minute OPOS Pav Bhaji By DK on Feb 18, 2018

Recipe Reference

my kitchen notes (original source misplaced)

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46 Member Reviews

By richa on May 24, 2014


    I made this receipe twice and both the times my top was very hard and the bread very dense.i followed the recepie as per the instructions but still cannot make it upto the mark. I used oil instead of eggwash Buti would appreciate if you could guide me with the size of rolls needed to be rolled out and how much should be the resting time of the dough and after we make rolls how much time they should be left before baking.

By Nisha on May 21, 2014

Lovely recipe!! My family was delighted to find that we can make all sorts of bread at home, without using egg!! :D

Well, I had to make my pav in two batches. The first batch came out very well, the colour, shape and taste.. The second batch, turned out slightly undercoloured and didn't taste quite the same, that may be because I left it too long (2 hours!!) after making small portions. I'll take care next time!

Also, I used all-purpose flour(maida). I used nearly 3 and a half cups, but not too strictly. I sized it according to how much was needed. Though I didn't know how long I had to knead the bread (like, what to look for to know I have to stop), I enjoyed the kneading part; the dough was so plushy! I had to leave it for a good half hour to rise. My oven needed nearly 45 minutes to an hour, as opposed to the 30 minutes, in the recipe.

All in all, I got good results! Hoping to improve in my next try!



Read All 46 Reviews →


By María on Sep 6, 2016

Hi! I make bread twice a week and never had any problems. I think there's too much liquid in this recipe. I had to add more than one cup of flour to make it work.

Did you use Bread flour or All purpose flour? If the latter, then can you please refer to my Tips section right below ingredients --DK

By Nancy on May 5, 2016

Thanks. Have a roll recipe, but was wanting to make my rolls better looking and will try out your method this weekend.

By Brittney on Apr 22, 2016

Hi DK, I found your recipe on pinterest while looking for eggless rolls and decided to try it out, I have one problem though. You have 3 cups of flour total minus kneading listed in the ingredients with 1 & 1/2 cups total liquid (milk and water), I used bread flour to make the recipe and measured very accurately, however I needed to add 1 cup plus some to make the dough, that is before I kneaded it. I make pizza dough, yeasted naan and bread, and I never have any problems with those. I decided to make them again today, doubling everything else in the recipe minus the 1/4 cup water (extra 1/2 cup doubled), so a total of 1 & 1/2 cups just water and only had to use 6 cups, plus what is used for kneading. I think the amount of liquid is a little too high for the amount of flour you have listed in your recipe. It is a very good recipe and the first pav I made turned out great, I brushed them with melted butter before baking and they turned golden, they're very soft and delicious. Thank you for the recipe.

By Vidhya on Feb 5, 2016

Hi DK, I am planning to make it again today morning. I made this yesterday and it came out good. But the bottom came out crunchy and my bun was kinda spread out rather than small and big. The dough did raise. Maybe did i place it too far apart? Should i keep it closer ? Pls reply, your is the only recipe that worked for me... Also one big thing is do I add same amount of whole grain whole wheat flour for same re cipe...pls advice

By Vidhya on Feb 4, 2016

Hi DK, I made this today and it came out good. But the bottom came out crunchy and my bun was kinda spread out rather than small and big. The dough did raise. Maybe did i place it too far apart? Should i keep it closer ? Pls reply, your is the only recipe that worked for me... Also one big thing is do I add same amount of whole grain whole wheat flour for same re cipe...pls advice

By vidhya on Feb 4, 2016

Hi, I have a doubt, is it 1 cup and 1/4 milk ? or one 1/4 milk?

It is 1 and 1/4 cup milk --DK

By Pav Bhaji | The Schizo Chef on Jun 3, 2015

[…] Pav Rolls (adapted from ChefInYou) […]

By Indian Pav Bun | Dinner Rolls | Home Style Veg Food on Apr 17, 2015

[…] adoption : ChefinyouAll purpose flour – 3 cupsInstant yeast  – 1 1/2 tsp or active yeast – 2 1/2 […]

By Pav Bread Recipe – The Indian Burger Bun for Pav Bhaji | Edible Garden on Dec 8, 2014

[...] Preparation time: 2 hours Cooking time: 25 minutes Makes 10-12 rolls Loosely adapted from Chefinyou [...]

By muskaan on Nov 7, 2014

Very nice recipe with please help me at what power in microwave and wat vessel should u use for microwave please reply as early as possible

By Smita Raut on Oct 31, 2014

Thanks for the recipe... They turned out perfect

By manali on Aug 21, 2014

Hi, Nice recipe..wanted to know if I can use fresh yeast instead of dry yeast amd how much quantity..

By anonymous on Aug 3, 2014

350 Fahrenheit is 180 degrees n the mode should be convection :wink:

By mansi on Jul 27, 2014

I tried making with the exact measurement as per the above recipe the pav tastes superb but they r dense :( Why is it so?

By Neha on Jul 11, 2014

Hi I made this recipe today with half maida & half wheat flour.. I left the dough to rise for around 45mins to 1 hour Then rolled it and made the rolls & left them for another 45mins.. Baked at 180C on convention for 30 mins.. Made 12 out of the recipe .. They taste good

By Mona on Jul 8, 2014

Can I add bread improver to it and in what quantity?

By Trashy Mathur on Jun 30, 2014

Hi I tried this recipe and it turned out to be perfect. I used All Purpose flour instead of bread flour the same ratio and I brushed milk over it instead of egg wash. I dint give that brown colour n shine, but it brown tasty.

By Shraddha on Jun 3, 2014

Hi! Pls.let me know the resting time to be given for d dough to double up each time it has been set aside to double up. Can it be as min as half an hour or max 1hr??

By Chamu on May 24, 2014

How to egg wash

By Chamu on May 24, 2014

How to give an egg wash in the top of dinner rolls Coz today I am going to try dinner rolls

By Priti Gokani on May 24, 2014

Sounds good and easy, will definitely try making it . Thnx!!!

By richa on May 23, 2014

Hey is all purpose flour and maida one and the same thing. And do i need to alter the quantity in case of using Maida. Please tell me, What should be the resting time of the dough And what can i use to replace egg wash. Can i use Butter?

By sharmilla on May 23, 2014

whether this recipe can made in pressure cooker...

By Priyanka chowdhary on May 23, 2014

I hav a convection oven so which mode m gona use... :-?

By Akansha on Apr 30, 2014

Hi, I tried these rolls today, they really came out good except the fact that the inside was a bit more dense than what's shown in the pictures. I had used maida instead of bread flour. Can you please suggest what might have went wrong.

By Preethi on Apr 23, 2014

Hi. I made these buns today... i just added 1/4 cup maida extra. The center came out very soft and my family enjoyed it a lot. Thanks :-P but one.concern...i gave milk wash on top and the top portion came out little hard. Is it due to the milk wash? How do I get it soft? Pls help

Hard surface is cos you overbaked it. Its possible you waited until the top looked brown. Egg wash usually gives that classic bakery shone, anything else tends to provide a pale color. --DK

By Ritika shah on Apr 15, 2014

What is bread flour? Do u mean maida? What about using pure wheat flour? Please explain. Thank you.

Bread flour is not same as Maida. Bread flour makes excellent breads but you can use all purpose /maida as well. Using just Wheat flour will make for a dense bread. --DK

By Aida Zare on Feb 14, 2014

Hi,my question is my oven is small,which is max temp.250,how do i bake rolls with that temp.?

By Darcy on Jan 19, 2014

Thank you for the step by step guide! I made it this morning for breakfast. It is really yummy. Just taste more more like American dinner roll. The aftertaste is yummy! Loved it. I thought t would be more like Goan Pao. Wonder how they get the crust hard and the inside so soft. My bread color came as the picture. I did not do any egg wash.. I also wondered if it would come put golden and it did. Very very pleased!

By Jessica on Dec 20, 2013

This was the first time I have ever made homemade rolls and they turned out good. The taste is good and they browned great. A couple of the rolls caved in but besides that it turned out good.

By archana das on Dec 11, 2013

hi dk my dinner rolls turned out very nice, i did not hv to put extra flour, rather i had to add 250 ml of water extra as i was unable to make the dough. that is the only difference from yr recipe. the colour on the buns turned out just as yr pictures. i was a little unsure as so many people were making their comments about the top brown colour. but mine just turned out as golden brown as yrs! the bread tasted so nice ! i plan to make it again ! all my life i hv been intrigued by bread and cookies, now i hv made the bread! not it is time for the cookies! which cookies i shud try first is my only concern

By Sowmya on Nov 12, 2013

Hi DK, I tried this 3 or 4 times, I must say only ur pics made me try so many times!!! Wat I hav observed is pavs didn't get the beautiful brown color as yours even after brushing wid butter, milk+butter, but hav seen egg wash giving beautiful color at a fnds place! Did u use egg wash? Also how much time u give for the second rise? My buns rise well but sometimes speards sideways too( hope u understand wat I mean :)) so buns are not fluffy tall enough!!! Wat should I do to rectify this? Do u recommend brushing d buns wid butter in last few mins of baking n baking wid upper heating element on? Also would u recommend to bake this in a square or rectangle pan to get d shape? Everything looks like ur photos till step 10 but not d PAv;( highly appreciate ur feedback! Thanks in advance.

By radharamesh on Nov 11, 2013

Whenever I bake bread or bun in electric oven, the top never becomes brown within the given time.I have to keep it for more time as a result the bottom becomes very brown and it turn out in to a hard piece. Help me out.

By geetha harish on Nov 8, 2013

is it not necessary to brush the buns with milk or butter before u place them in the oven ? hw did u get that brown colour ?

By geetha harish on Nov 8, 2013

I just wanted to know is it not necessary to brush the buns with milk or butter before u place it the oven ? how did u get that brown colour ?

By jannat on Nov 7, 2013

What is the difference between yeast and curd ? And whr can I get it. Yeast ?

By Anusha on Oct 14, 2013

Hi DK... I just wanted to know how much time it might take to rise..?

By Aparna on Sep 1, 2013

Finally made these! Subbed 2.5 cups of APF with whole wheat flour since Hubby Dearest ended up buying self-raising flour and mutinously decided it did not deserve being returned!!! A little dense but that might be because of the flour. All the same, I'm never buying pav again! :lol:

By Kirti on Aug 23, 2013

I have tried this receipe for 4/5 times n it's turns out very nice I loved it n I tried with wheat flour 2 it was superb ..... Thankyou for sharing the receipe :)

By Christine on Aug 16, 2013

Absolutely delicious flavour. Made it twice with excellent results. 2nd time added 1Tbsp extra sugar and a few sultanas but in future will stick to the original. THANKS VERY MUCH for the recipe. Family loved it and said it was perfect.

By krish on Aug 12, 2013

should we bake these on lower heat or upper heat? and at what degrees?

Pls refer step 11 --DK

By Kavita on Aug 5, 2013

:wink: Amazing! Thanks it made my day. Would luv to try more recipes with this kinda perfection. Have been on this website 1st time, chose this recipe & hit bullseye. :-P

By RashPilot on Jul 15, 2013

ended up using almost 3/4 cup of more flour.... the mix was extremely wet.... i hope it doesn't affect the texture.... i've kept it for proofing... *fingerscrossed*

By Patel on Jul 2, 2013

I made this pav with the recipe but somehow it was hard not very soft like the pav we get in india.

Two possible reasons -1) The dough did not rise. And/or 2)Baked it too long or in too high heat. --DK

By shweta on May 27, 2013

This is too good. Thanks for sharing!

By Liza on May 27, 2013

My family loves this recipe! BTW I used my Kitchen Aid. I'm lazy LOL. Making this right now! So awesome thanks!

By deeba on May 22, 2013

what measurment should be use of the homemade yeast ??

By deeba on May 22, 2013

is there any substitute of yeast?? as at my place it is impossible to find it.

By deeba on May 22, 2013

is there any substitute of yeast? as here in my city it is impossible to find it

By Sneha on May 18, 2013

Hi, I am keen on trying this recipe. The bread flour that I got already contains yeast. Do I still add yeast separately?

Really? Never knew that flour comes with yeast already packed in!! How do they know how much yeast to add? Are you sure about that? Wud luv to know more info --DK

By imtinan butt on May 1, 2013

Assalam o Alaikum! once your dough gets double put your dough in fridge so that it will never become yeasty

By Indian street delight : Vada Pav | Food & other magical things on Mar 19, 2013

[...] Pav is a kind of Indian bun, which is toasted on a large iron pan and then loaded with a scrumptious Vada( a potato patty batter-fried)  and served with a green spicy coriander chutney and a fresh green chilli. [...]

By mittu on Mar 15, 2013

Hey DK! As the most devout follower I would like to provide some useful tips. I use regular flour most of the times and I find that the more flour I add in addition to the recipe the harder the buns get. I use the recommended extra 1/2 cup of flour when needed. The Trick i have found useful to not adding too much flour when the dough seems very sticky is: 1) let the dough rest for a few minutes in the mixing bowl(covered) 2) Oil your hands and lightly lift the dough and dust the bottom of the bowl with some flour. This makes is easy to get out of the bowl. Oil the bowl you are going to tranfer it and let it sit. This has been helpful to me while making the buns. Hope it helps others too :)

By How a Vada Pav turned into Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bites | Any Excuse to Write… on Mar 1, 2013

[...] from craving for it. So when I saw this recipe, I had to try it. It seemed perfect. So I took the basic bread roll recipe from here and started off. I had planned to make a small batch, but scaling down ingredients seemed more [...]

By Pepper on Feb 12, 2013

I've never tried to make pav at home...yours is inspiring me to go for one at home!! loved your detailed write ups!!

By Siri on Feb 11, 2013

A full 3+years after you post this found its way into my kitchen! Yummy! Thank you for all the detailed instructions.

By Rhonda on Feb 6, 2013

:roll: Wonderful recipe... love there is no eggs. I doubled the batch. My husband loves these with honey on them. Thanks for sharing!!!

By Ranjana on Jan 30, 2013

I love pav-bhaji and want to make these pavs as they are eggless. I have a problem- what is bread flour? Is it plain chappatti flour(wheat) or Self Raising Flour. If using Maida what is the measure?

Please refer my Tips section below ingredients --DK

By Prachi Desai on Jan 28, 2013

This is sounds like a fantastic recipe and I really can't wait to try it out. When you said recommended we eat these rolls with Pav Bhaji my mouth started to water!!! I absolutely LOVE Pav Bhaji!!! Thanks for the recipe.

By Neha on Jan 17, 2013

This looks like a great recipe. I just have 1 doubt. You've said "if you are adding All Purpose Flour (maida), you might need an additional 2-3 cups flour". Just wanted to check if quantity of additional flour is 2-3 cups or spoons! Thanks for the recipe.

Technically I would just make an equal substitution or add 2-3 tbsp more all purpose flour. But few people who have tried making this with all purpose tell me that they needed 2-3 cups more. Given that I personally haven't tried with all purpose flour for this recipe, I have to go with what they say. I wud suggest trying equal and/or plus 1/4 cups and then take it from there. I also have a nagging doubt that there might be instances when people add more flour than necessary. The dough should be lightly sticky to begin with but if you knead it well it will be replaced with elastic and smooth dough. And this, in my opinion makes for a delicious fluffy bread. --DK

By eric on Jan 10, 2013

sir.i make bread rolls but they keep burning at bottom can you help with this problem---i set electric at 325f for 20 mins or 25mins but they still go a deep brown at bottom---Thank you---Eric

By Around the Web: Dinner Rolls | SocialCafe Magazine on Dec 7, 2012

[...] White Dinner Rolls by Chef In You [...]

By Terri on Nov 3, 2012

I am new at baking. Just made this recipe and we are eating the rolls right now. Since I have a Rosemary bush I used a fresh twig and mixed it in. And instead of cooking it the traditional way I used a 5.2 Qt Dutch Oven w/ the lid on. I melted 4 table spoons (or 1/2 cup) unsalted butter and used 1/2 size balls rolled up. Coated the balls in the butter and when the pot was fairly full I sprinkled 1 1/2 or 2 cups of cheese over the top. I love sharp chedder, however, I have twin 2 year old sons that prefer milder cheeses so I used the 4 cheese pizza mix. Baked it in a micro/convection over-the range-oven at 350 for 25 minutes with the lid on. YUMMY!! I won't use as much rosemary next time but they still turned out great and my toddlers are munching down. Breakfast of Champions! :wink: Even had enough dough left over for another batch. :-D

By 10 Thanksgiving Dishes to Make as a Family - Cherished Bliss on Oct 31, 2012

[...] via Chef in You [...]

By Dabeli/ Indian Dinner Rolls with spicy potato curry « foodiliciousnan on Oct 16, 2012

[...] you want to make the pav/bun at home, check my post or this link Pav [...]

By Homemade Dinner Rolls/Pav Buns & How to activate yeast « foodiliciousnan on Oct 16, 2012

[...] can refer to this link for step by step pictures and the original recipe. I followed it to the T, adding addition flour as [...]

By sush on Aug 21, 2012

Hi, Many thanks for the receipe. I tried them out today for the first time, 1st batch came out perfect and it took only about 7mins in the microwave which has a bread setting. But the second batch tasted a bit yeasty why is that? only left them to rise for couple of hrs

By prachi on Aug 21, 2012

hi DK.i just made these yummy buns...however, i dint find them as fluffy as they look here.Also, the shape still remained more of a circle, rather than a square as i thought it wud be.i used instant yeast.what you think could have caused this?also, i used my otg to bake them...

By nags on Aug 20, 2012

trying this again this time with bread flour!

By Prady on Aug 19, 2012

Hi DK, One of the best recipies i found. I tried this today and i must say the result was much better than any of my previous attempts. I use one cup of atta and 4 cups of maida. The mixture rose well howerver i had to keep the buns in the oven for over 40 min to get the browning effect. My OTG is old so may be thats a probelm. One more thing I noticed is that the buns came out a little dense. What is the secret to make them light. Do i need to kneed it still more or add little more yiest, or was my dough a little too dry? This is definately a keeper and I am going to try this till i perfect it. Thanks a lot.

Wheat flour does make the end result dense. But since you used Atta which in my opinion is equal to whole wheat pastry flour, it should not be as dense as using regular wheat flour. If your dough rose well, then it should be spongy. Kneading is always good for developing gluten. Another thing - for the browning, applying a thin coating of butter or egg wash would get it browned better than baking it longer :) --DK

By Aarti on Aug 18, 2012

Lovely recipe I made it many times .among my family members and friends these rolls are a hit. I just have one problem.Everytime I am making its turning hard? I am using bread the oven temp should be 350 or more?

If its hard, then you are over baking it. May be your oven is getting heated faster (and higher) than 350. Reduce the temp or bake for a shorter time and see if it makes a diff. --DK

By Liz on Aug 15, 2012

:?: Hi, I have just found your site and it looks full of great recipes. Presently I am living in the Democratic Republic of Congo in West Africa. My husband is working for Save the Children. I have just made Indian Pav. They taste okay but more crispy than I had expected. This of course may be due to the fact that the ingredients you can buy here may not be of the best quality. My oven is electric but is numbered nos 1 to 10. Do you know what 350 would be in it? I tried 4 but maybe that's too cool. Thanks for your help. Kind regards, Liz

I think its the Oven. I personally dunno about the numbers but I located this in the Internet - Is this what you are referring to? Hope it helps if it is. --DK

By seetha on Aug 8, 2012

Thank you so much for sharing. Recently I bought a convention oven and want to try this pav. I used to bake bread. I never used bread flour. What is the difference from maida? You showed the method with pictures step by step that itself teaches us how to make pav. I book marked your home page

By Raji on Aug 7, 2012

Hi DK. just made those lovely buns/pav and they turned out so well..could not wait till i make the bhaji so had one with butter and it tasted so goin to make the bhaji soon and have them for dinner..will try ur other recipes soon ..thank u so much

Thanks a bunch Raji for the feedback. I am so glad you liked it :) Now I am craving Pav Bhaji :( --DK

By Reshu on Aug 5, 2012

Thanks so very much for the wonderful recipe..i tried it came out good but the upper crust was hard..what can be the reason behind this.

I think you baked it longer than it required (and/or it was close to the heating element) --DK

By CS on Jul 25, 2012

Hey, Wow...thank you for the awesome recipe...3 years around 8 different recipes and this finally worked just right....Thank you very very much...BTW... I used 4 cups regular allpurpose flour and left everything else the same...just in case anybody wanted to know. Once again, thank you.

By ry on May 28, 2012

How long will it take for the yeast and water+sugar to become frothy?

By Vada Pav — A Step by Step recipe for pav bread and pan fried vada » Sizzlingveggies on Apr 21, 2012

[...] for a good recipe for pav bread to include in my bread baking theme for BM#15, day 6, I stumbled on chefinyou and I swear I’ll not be buying any more pav breads in the future. The bread was the biggest [...]

By Bhavana on Apr 5, 2012

Thank You for the great receipe...I enjoyed baking and I loved it. Only 1 conern I have, everything was just perfact, texture, shape, softness but when i ate it, I could smell flour and yeast and even i could taste the yeast. The color of the rolls was little offwhite. can u pls suggest why the taste was not like other rolls available in the market. I used the all purpose flour and dry active yeast. Pls reply.

You shouldn't get an yeasty smell. I have heard that you would get in case where one uses more yeast or let the dough ferment for way too long. To get the golden brown color on your rolls, brush them with egg wash or use butter before baking. --DK

By rose on Mar 9, 2012

how can i make these pave in my daewoo convection/grill microwave oven?

By Sara on Feb 6, 2012

Was wondering if I can refrigerate the rolls after step 10 and bake it the next day?

By Anushka on Feb 3, 2012

Great recipe but just a note.. Pav bhaji is a vegetable dish it is totally different not goan and not bread related at all. It is potatos coliflauer peppers tomatoes onions and peas with a spicy masala callwd pav bhaji masala

Of course! The title says "Pav" not "Pav Bhaji" --DK

By Preetika on Dec 2, 2011

Hi I am planning to make this tomorrow but don't know how much time should we keep the dough to rest. Can you please tell me.thanx...

Anywhere between 2 to 4 hours depending on the weather/humidity of your place

By SUNITA on Nov 2, 2011

what would be the quantity for instant yeast used in this recipe and if i substitute this with maida then i need to use 1 cup flour for 3 cups bread flour

By Viji on Oct 19, 2011

Hey! I made this today and came out superb! Thanks a lot for this wonderful recipe!

By Caroline on Aug 27, 2011

Hi DK, I live in NY, and in preparation for the Hurricane Irene's arrival all the bread at the shop had been claimed. I couldn't ask for a more perfect reason to make these, and am thoroughly enjoying the process. These chubby little lovelies are currently sitting in the oven working on puffing out so they can touch and be baked. I can't wait to sink my teeth into them!

By Gautami on Aug 11, 2011

:) I made this recipe yesterday. 100% satisfied. I might just add 1/2 tsp more salt to satisfy my taste buds. Planning to make them again for Vada Pav & Vada Misal. Thanks a million.

By Abdul hamid on Jul 13, 2011

Hi,, thank you for the stuff... I tried many times but my bread is getting bigger in size. In ingredient you wrote 2-1/4 cup of dry active yeast for 3cup flour. is it 2 and quarter cup you mean? Please reply.

It is 2-1/4 "TSP" (teaspoons) and not "cups". Yes it is 2 tsp + 1/4 tsp.

By sana hamid on Jul 11, 2011

hi i was trying to cook today but it didn't came out well. please tell me how to use instant yeast? and the bread should be cooked from down or up or both?

By Yogesh on Jun 26, 2011

Hi i m big fan of cooking bakery products...recently i have purchased IFB convection and i tried baking in microwave nothing cooked well..can u pls tell me is it possible to make that brown top pao in convection mode ..m sure its not possible in microwave

Brush some butter on top of the pav before baking for the color. If you are OK with eggs, then brushing it with egg wash (1 egg with 1 tsp water - beaten) which will give it a golden brown color. There wont be any eggy taste to the finished product.--DK

By sarika mehta on Jun 12, 2011

hi, made pav yesterday for dinner to go wid my bhaji, n it came out just too gud n made my pavbhaji even more tastier.............thx for giving such awsm recipes :)

By vinaya on May 4, 2011

I used regular all purpose flour. Shall try with bread flour the next time. Which ever way the recipe was and the rolls were just great!! indebted...

By Najma on Apr 28, 2011

Hi,I love your simple recipes for the breads.Just Thank you in advance!if I could use my Kenwood breadmaker for kneading the dough for the dinner rolls?If yes,how do I go about it? Im sorry Im new to breadmaking and Ive tried several recipes listed on my breadmaker guide but didnt turn out quite as what it is suppossed to be.Please help!

By vinaya on Apr 27, 2011

I have used this recipe twice. The dinner rolls turned soft and delicious!! Thank you so much. Simply delighted with this recipe. However, the rolls were not as light and chewy as the local pav that you would get in say...a local bakery in Bombay or Goa. I wonder what they do different. Any ideas??

Did you use All purpose flour or Bread flour? The bread flour makes it v light and gives it that amazing spongy texture

By sunitha on Apr 19, 2011

Hi I made this recipe yesterday, the buns were hard (i dont know why) I followed exactly your ingredients except for bread flour, instead i used all purpose flour, is this the reason why buns were hard? :(

No, the all purpose flour still makes a spongy bread (not as well as bread but with a wonderful texture nevertheless) Possibly 2 reasons. 1) Over baking 2) The dough was not risen enough. Did your dough rise well ?

By Neetu on Mar 29, 2011

Hey, just tried making this... i thought the liquid mixture was WAY too much for the dry ingredients... i am left with more than half of it & have no clue what to do with it :( waiting to bake it (to make Vada Pav for frineds coming home to watch the match) will let you know how they turn out...

Really!?I am surprised to hear that. I have tried it so many times and also as you can see many CIY members have tried this recipe too. I have never had this issue..

By Michelle on Mar 11, 2011

How come it was too sticky to roll??

Guess the bread flour and all purpose flour make the difference..Try adding the liquid little by little next time

By Ashu on Feb 27, 2011

Hi, I made this recipe yesterday. Its really requires muscle power! :!: Thank you so much for sharing. I preheated the oven for 10 minutes. The first batch took a long time. I waited for the buns to get a golden colour on top and it took 30 minutes. But the base was hard and black. The second batch was absolutely prefect and was done in 20 minutes. :wink: So how long should one keep the oven for preheating. Or was the first batch spoiled due to long time. Can you please tell me. Once again thank you for sharing and there are so many beautiful recipes posted on your site, can't wait to try them. bye.

Thank you so much for the kind words. Made my day :) For the browning on top, brush the top with butter/one beaten egg. It will give it a shiny golden brown finish. The hardening of the first batch could be cos of 2 reasons - "Too much heat that the bottom cooked faster then the top", "Baking for too long".

By Pav Bhaji « Jean’s Page on Jan 28, 2011

[...] I mastered but wanted make the Indian pav.  Here’s the recipe I used which came out perfect !! right down to the baking time and exactly as per the pics…Everyone [...]

By Niv on Dec 19, 2010

HI I made the buns today and they came out very good. Again I used a gluten free bread flour blend and hence not as fluffy as yours. Also I kneaded the dough in the bread machine and it turned out very soft to form the balls. Overall it has come out good. There is alight sour taste - any idea what that would be. Thanks for the wonderful recipe.

By Deepa on Nov 8, 2010

I tried this 2day and it came out excellent.I didn't read the recipe carefully and used all purpose flour even though i had bread flour at hand. However the pav came out excellent.I have tried many recipes and this was the 1st time i was successful.I used my Kitchenaid stand mixer to make the job easier.Will def be saving this recipe for future use...thanks!!!

By Priya Nambiar on Sep 30, 2010

Hi Dk, Had one more Q? How long does the second doubling take? sorry for troubling u again. thanks, Priya

Its hard to pinpoint a time limit since the weather/humidity/season in your area will decide that. It can take anywhere between 45 minutes to another hour and a half for second rise

By Priya Nambiar on Sep 30, 2010

Hi DK, I bought Fleischmann’s Rapid Rise Yeast bottle should i go according to the Tsp measurement you have given, and should i add this in luke warm water or directly add it to the flour. Thanks, Priya

Please refer to the substitution link I have provided in the Ingredient section for further clarification for substituting yeast

By Mia on Sep 11, 2010

Love ur site and all ur wonderful recipes!! I tried this and it was absolutely gorgeously delicious!! Would love to know what brand of instant yeast u use? Saf red is it? thanxx for the info and yeah when i make this next time ,will post about it too!!

I used Fleischmann's Rapid Rise Yeast

By Kavitha on Jul 29, 2010

Hi DK, Thanks for the receipe.I have a doubt ,please tell me how much does 1 cup measure to?

I use an US cup which is 240ml

By mamta aggarwal on Jul 26, 2010

hello DK I LOVE ur recipies.plz mail me this pav rolls recepi on my mail. thanks a lot. :roll: m waiting 8-O

You can use "Email to a friend" link just below my post to send a copy of this to your mail :)

By sudhashrikanth on Jul 20, 2010

I tried baking out this, -- i have a standing convection. The buns remained milk white, till the end and also the outer became very hard. Can you pl tell me what went wrong where?

There can be two possible reasons - 1) Your oven temperature was too hot. So it cooked fast and hard without properly baking it. 2) The dough did not rise well. Usually its the yeast action which brings that texture of sponginess. 3) The color on top can be achieved in two ways - by applying some beaten egg on top or melted butter which gives it that rich brown color.

By renuka p on Jul 13, 2010

Thanx for ur reply .Now Iam going to make ur sugar free muffins.

By SUNITA on Jul 13, 2010

Hi Gunjan can you plz tell me how did you make it in the m/w since i also have a m/w so it will be easier for me to bake it my id is thanks

By renuka p on Jul 3, 2010

:?: Hi i made these bread rolls, but imade the dough in a bread machine, It was very soft & sticky,and so icould not shape themwell.All the same they came out very well, do u think Ishould decrease the qty of milk.

I am not sure of the machine was the cause, I wud think its more the quality of the flour. Yes, I think adding the milk as needed , slowly as you are kneading would surely help :)

By satya on Jun 22, 2010

Thanks DK garu.I will try this tommorrow.

By satya on Jun 22, 2010

HEY DK another many seconds is for luke warm? thanks, satya.

To answer both your questions : Yes, you can substitute with rapid yeast. In that case, just add the equal measure of rapid yeast to the flour directly. There is no need to proof it in the water like for active yeast. Lukewarm water varies depending whether you are using active yeast/Rapid yeast. Just check your package - it will give you the temperature with which you need to warm your liquids. Also You dont need to rise the bread twice like I do in this recipe. Only once is usually enough in Rapid Rise yeast. Hope this helps :)

By satya on Jun 22, 2010

Hi DK garu, can i use rapid raise yeast? if so what is the method ? Thanks, satya.

By nags on Jun 13, 2010

i am making these this weekend!

By lalitha on May 30, 2010

I tried this recipe and it was a great success. I also made bhaji to go along with this. My kids and husband loved it. They even wanted me to save it for tomorrow's break fast to eat it with jelly and butter. I am now very confident that I can make my own bread at home. Is it possible to make some twists by adding masala powder etc and make it a savoury bread? Will it turn out so good if we use whole wheat instead of plain white flour? That would be a more healthier choice too. Thank you so much for posting the recipe. I am a big fan of your web site. I love all your pictures.

Hey lalitha, Thanks for your feedback. I have sent you a mail. As for the query, of course you can try adding masalas or even stuffing to the recipe to give it a savory twist. Get creative and wild - it will surely work cos its v flexible recipe. As for as substituting wheat flour goes, to get the same sponginess would be a tad difficult. But you can use the substitute guideline I have provided here: Here in the US of A you get something called as "Wheat Gluten" which is nothing but wheat protein extracted while grinding the wheat into flour (usually its ground away and wasted). Its immensely healthy and protein rich. Adding a tablespoon of that whenever you use wholegrain in baking gives it that amazing texture similar to all purpose flour. If you don't find its fine - try the substitution table to try with wheat flour. Hope this helps :) --DK

By Roopa on May 10, 2010

Hi DK, I am attemting to make this on a work day :-P . So was wondering how much time approximateky does both the steps of dough doubling takes? Thanks

The doubling and yeast action depends on the climate you enjoy. The more warm and humid it is, lesser the time like say 40-45 minutes. The cooler and lesser the humidity more the time - say around 1-1:30 hrs. :) --DK

By Gaya on May 7, 2010

I tried your recipe and was very happy with the outcome. It was soft and just like we get from the fresh bakery section. My daughter loved it.I always thought only baker's are blessed to make it. You have a very good website . Thank you for this wonderful recipe.

By mahek on Apr 30, 2010

:lol: hi I love your site and will visit regularly , I love baking but as all ingredients are not available in India i love basic baking and i am waiting to try this "pav" recipe they look so yummy .

By Valleri on Apr 20, 2010

I really used to miss the Bombay style pav here in US since the ones available here are sweet...Thanks for this recipe, I tried it out over the weekend and they turned out great...and we enjoyed with the bhaji :-D

By RJ on Apr 17, 2010

Tried this recipe yesterday and came out perfect! really appreciate the effort you put in to fill in the details. The measures of the ingredients were just perfect. Kudos to you! I tried the Khaman dhokla as well but it did not urn out well. But I will try again - must be something I did wrong.

Thank you so much RJ - luv these rolls myself. Do lemme know what went wrong with Khaman - may be I can help? :)--DK

By Gayatri on Apr 16, 2010

The bun was very soft, but the base was hard as another reade (Deepali) mentioned. Please let me know what the problem might be. I will definetely try it again. Superb recipe

Thank to you, I just realized that my comment for Deepali seems to be missing for some reason inspite of me remembering to answer hers! Anyways - the hard getting hard is owing to the Oven temperature. It means that your base cooked way faster than the rest of the rolls. You can try the following options - 1) Reduce your oven temperature next time. Suppose I say 350 for 20 min try 300-320F for 30-40 minutes. 2) Another method is placing your baking sheet on another baking sheet - double base so that your sheet doesnt get as hot as with a single one 3) try placing your baking sheet on top rack instead of the bottom one (in short as far away from the heat source). Since all Oven temperatures are not alike ( electric, gas, company make, outside weather), do adjust it accordingly. Hope this helps :) --DK

By Anne on Apr 9, 2010

We absolutely LOVED these rolls! They were perfect. I'm looking forward to trying your other recipes. :)

By pratima on Apr 8, 2010

i had lots of problems finding a good recipe for those typical indian pav's and finally found this one after a great deal of research ....just finished baking the first batch of rolls and they turned out exactly as yours!!!!! the recipe is an absolute winner ....thanks for posting it and God bless you for your good work

By Deepali on Mar 29, 2010

Hi, I tried this recipe and it was amazing...But base of this Pav was very hard that we couldn't eat it, Please tell me solution to make the base as soft as we get it in the bakery pav...

That could be cos you placed the baking tray in your lower rack or cos of your too much heat from the oven. Just place these in double sheets. That is, place another baking sheet, one top of the other and bake them. That way the heat will not get harsh for the bottoms to burn. Hope this helps --DK

By Poonam on Feb 26, 2010

Hi!! Yesterday I tried this first attempt at baking.It was a very testing and tiring process but the end results were wonderful.My hubby and I felt we were at a street cart in Mumbai when enjoying our vada pav in the night.Thank you so much for making our dream of eating vada pav (the real indian pav) in America come true.I just had a simple a amateur in baking how do we know tht the bread has risen enough or how much should we allow the bread to rise? Thanks once again... :)

If you are using white flour, then it will double in size (the original recipe will mention it). If it is wheat flour, the rise will be v less but if you touch the dough after resting and it springs back, then its ready :) --DK

By Kalpakam on Feb 24, 2010

Your pavs looks so tempting & i thought that the art belonged to Mumbai bakeries only . Yours look equally tempting & I am sure they taste as good . Great Blog I should say!. By the way, is there any difference between Bread flour & all purpose flour (maida)?. I reside in Dubai & to get fresh bread flour might be bit of a search.

Yes, bread flour has more protein and it gives beautiful spongy texture to all yeast based breads. You can certainly use All purpose flour instead of the bread flour - the results will be little less spectacular than with bread flour. If you can get your hands on Vital wheat gluten, you can add 1 tbsp to the all purpose flour to achieve that fabulous texture.:) --DK

By hema on Feb 23, 2010

hi i tried this dinner roll today, came out well....we enjoyed thanks...

By Gunjan Dhingra on Feb 19, 2010

hello! this receipe is just amazing.i am not a baker but hey yes i baked and that too with such perfection.though i made few changes like i used whole wheat flour and bit of refined flour.instead of sugar i used sugarfree.i also added bit of sauf and aijwain to it and baked it in microwave.and it was just amazing .the only thing which was missing was its brown colour.somehow i didnt get it maybe because i used microwave instead of oven .can you suggest me something about this?anyways your receipes are just wonderful.this is one of the excellent cooking guide websites i have seen or i have searched uptill now.way you have narrated and you have presented each and every step is just comeup with all those precious gem recepies you have in your kit.keep going.

Just brush them with little beaten egg/ melted butter before baking them. That gives the color. I am not too sure about the M/W though since I have never made anything in it. Hopefully it might just work with m/.w too :) Thanks for your beautiful feedback. Glad to hear that :) --DK

By Melvin Williams on Feb 14, 2010

I love all the pictures you include in your articles thanks :-P

By Hetal on Feb 11, 2010

Hello: I tried these rolls today and as you have mentioned, they are easy! However, they flattened slightly in the oven and though the inside was soft, the outside was very hard. In fact I knocked on them and it created a hollow sound. Do you know why would this happen? neways, I love your wesite... keep the posts coming. Thank you !!

By NB on Feb 10, 2010

hey DK, Tried out the dinner was just awesome.the rolls turned out just like what we used to get at shop.. i m not a baker and whatever baking recipes i tried had been a disaster.Your dinner rolls broke my myth that i m not a good baker..would try out some more of ur recipes.keep up the good work.

Hi NB - thank you so much for the feedback. I am glad that it came out well enough to break ur myth! I am sure this is just the beginning of many many more to come :) --DK

By BB on Jan 18, 2010

I love your bread recipes. This is the second one I tried. The other one was Swiss Zopf, which turned out really good, consider it's the first time I ever made bread! One question though... I baked this (white dinner rolls) at 350F for 20 mins and the top start to turn golden brown. I remove 1 from the oven and cut it in 1/2, the middle still have some uncooked dough (very little though). I let the rest baked for another 6-8 mins and the top got burnt a little. What am I doing wrong here? Yours (pictured) turns out so pretty.... I followed everything you said in your recipe to heart. :wink:

Thanks BB :) The rolls will continue cooking for few minutes after you remove them from the oven. That's why you will find most recipes call for resting period. The one you removed earlier - that would have been completely cooked if you had let it sit for few minutes after removing from the oven. So next time you find them turning brown, just remove from the oven and let them rest outside for few minutes. Then see - it would be perfect :) --DK

By Sana on Jan 12, 2010

I let it rise only once nw i gt it and. The next day i reheated it in the m/w it turned out soft thanks:)

By Rashmi on Jan 10, 2010

I tried this recipe, it turned out good but,bread didnt become golden brown and it was little hard at the bottom. i baked at 350F for 30 mins in the middle rack. can i raise temp to 400F?

I think it has to do with the oVen..raising the heat can also make the bottom the burn faster before the it cooks....Keep the rack on top level and do the same....check to see if this works --DK

By Pravs on Jan 7, 2010

Dinner rolls looks perfect. Tempted to try one with butter. love your space..looks very beautiful with colorful and tempting pics of food.

By Sana on Jan 7, 2010

Actually in one comment above i read smone saying they egg washed n steamed! So i ws just curious as what exactly it meant or does it affect soft ness i just made these breads now bt mine didnt turn as soft as we get in india:(

The commentator just meant Baked. Egg wash helps to give color to your baked goods and has nothing to do with softness. As for that I can think of only 2 possible reasons - 1) The flour - Did u use bread flour or all purpose flour? The bread flour helps to give it even more softer texture than all purpose although that really should matter at all in this case since I have tried with both of the flours and they have come out almost equally soft. 2) Did the dough rise? A good rise is mainly the cause for softness...did you let it rise twice like I mentioned in the recipe? ---DK

By Sana on Jan 7, 2010

How to steam bread what does it do to it?

Steam bread? I did not understand your question Sana - can you explain what you are looking for? --DK

By palatable on Dec 30, 2009

Roll looks so soft....wishing a happy and prosperous new year.

By meeso on Dec 27, 2009

They are simple, like breads my mom use to make for soups and such :)

By Deepali on Dec 24, 2009

hi very nice pictures i m going to try this 2day only for vada pav ... :) can u tell me when should i add egg ? thanku Deepali

Add it in the first step along with the yeast. Beat the eggs first then add it to the yeast, water and sugar mixture. --DK :)

By jennyccy on Dec 22, 2009

The rolls looks perfect and beautiful! I love to serve it with salted butter.

By Alka on Dec 21, 2009

Perfect...better than we get in the nearby bakery outlet close to our new home.It tastes yuck and crumbly and I miss those soft, perfectly baked, hot, fresh from the bakery ,Pav that we used to get at our old residence.I had almost stopped buying one from here.So you can imagine how desperate I might be feeling rt now to grab some from here, dunk in spicy CHOLEY or stuff it with some batatawada and spicy red , dry, garlic-chilly chutney...OMG..You are a killer!

By JIM-49 on Dec 21, 2009

Hey,I got mine!! Doubled recipe,sent it to my daughter also,and it turned out "Very Great"!! Mine turned out just about like yours,I egg washed,and steamed them,and also made cresent horns out of half.My daughters were still rising,when I was over there.They are very good,with "Honey butter"!! I'm going maybe tomarrow,try them in a loaf bread,since when cooled,the texture is close to a good loaf."Stick a Fork in me,I'm done", full that is!! Thanks Again!!

By Radhika Vasanth on Dec 21, 2009

Awesome! I would love to borrow your recipe to kick start the 'Making of bread' process in my kitchen. I now know it isn't as complicated as this statement.. LOL...

By Aditi on Dec 21, 2009

Ohh my goodness these look awesome, I just made the pav bhaji on Fri and was missing our Indian Pavs...anyways definitely on my must try list!

By JIM-49 on Dec 21, 2009

Hey,I didn't get one!! Those are so pretty!! Now,all you need is some,honey butter and a quite corner,and "Just leave me alone"!! Love the site,Thanks!!!

By Siri on Dec 21, 2009

I love the last pic.. u are right there is something blissful about these buns.. no wonder you had none left for storage :wink: .. Guess what, the whole of DC is working from home today as no Federal office is open becoz of the snow.. It was bad da.. my whole body is still aching after the snow shoving we did yesterday. I made snow man too..yeh yeh.. :lol: Happy Holidays.. give me a missed call today when you are 'free'.. ok.. Hugs, Siri :-D

By nags on Dec 21, 2009

This is brilliant! I am not sure how well my oven will turn these out but the recipe is awesome :)

By Divya Vikram on Dec 20, 2009

They look like soft pillows Dhiv. Sounds so simple yet look professional!

By Divya on Dec 20, 2009

Love the golden Brown crust..on my wishlist to make:)

By Preeti on Dec 20, 2009

Perfect.... just need a bhaji with this :wink:

By mridhu on Dec 20, 2009

making pav bhaji now!! unfortunately just saw this mail!damn :(

By spice on Dec 20, 2009

Looks the pics....I too made pav last week but haven't posted yet....

By vanamala on Dec 20, 2009

Pav!! really loved it..Longtime i tried this same pav(bun) but didnt came out well..nice pics..will try it again.

By Cilantro on Dec 20, 2009

Such nice and fluffy rolls. Great presentation.

By musical on Dec 20, 2009

Lovely little beauties! Besides pav-bhaji, i love them with some hot pickles :).

By Madhu on Dec 20, 2009

Rolls have turned out perfect.I am craving for some pav-bhaji now.

By Pavani on Dec 20, 2009

I'm going to try these soon. They look perfect for a brunch menu.

By Priya on Dec 20, 2009

Dinner rolls looks soft and prefect..Happy vacation and advanced New Year Wishes..