I saw beautiful and fresh fava beans the other day at the market and like always picked them out immediately. I simply cant get enough of them. I go for dried fava beans when I cannot get fresh. To prepare this dish, the only time consuming thing would be to shell them. To get about a cup of shelled Fava beans, it takes me approximately 5-6 minutes. yes! I timed myself. I personally don't think it would take more than 10minutes.

Once that's done, the rest of the dish is a breeze. Usually there are multiple ways to make this dip. You can either soak the dried fava beans overnight and boil them the next day to make this dip or you can use canned/fresh ones, cook them with garlic and seasoning in a skillet for few minutes before blending them to a puree. I have tried quite a few variations and I prefer the following method where I steam the beans for few minutes. This helps in preserving more nutrition. Here is how I make it
By Bean Dip Nickname - Food Recipe on Dec 5, 2014