Easy Indian Styled Cauliflower Curry recipe
Sometimes, simplicity is all one needs - especially when the day is long and tiring. Many a times, I just want to kickback my shoes, put my feet up, lay down on the sofa, gaze into nothing and forget the fact that I have to go to the kitchen to cook dinner! But one's got to do what they have to , right? I, for one, tend to get bored with restaurant food pretty fast. I think I am a total spoilsport for my better half too since I am sure he does not appreciate all my comments about "so much butter", "this one is cholesterol", "they used lots of sodium in this one", "I am sure they did not try the correct frying technique on this one - look how oily this is", "man this is way to sweet! Imagine the sugar!" so on and so forth! It takes the joy out of eating ;)
Easy Indian Styled Cauliflower Curry recipe
But well, I was not like this before. Eating out was a treat in my childhood and it would be immensely cherished. But now with so much know hows about ingredients and their effect on taste buds, I am simply paranoid about what goes into my body. Having played this dirty, I have no choice but to ensure that I cook decent meals often enough at home. So this is one of those quick fix meals I resort to on days when I am not in the mood to cook. Gets done in a jiffy and is also great for beginners who are starting out to explore the world of cooking. Minimal ingredients, minimal effort , minimal cooking time yet maximized flavor. Usually I would steam cauliflower before stir frying it but for this method, the addition of tomatoes ensures that the cauliflower cooks well and quickly.
  • Cook time:
  • Prep time:
  • Serves: 2 people
  • about 500 gms Cauliflower, broken into florets ( I used 550 gms to be precise)
  • 2-3 medium tomatoes,chopped
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp cumin-coriander powder
  • pinch of asafoetida
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp chilli powder - to taste (optional)
  • a large pinch of turmeric powder
  • salt to taste
  • few curry leaves (optional) and cilantro to garnish
1. Make sure to break the cauliflower into small florets - it helps to cook faster. Wash and clean them well.
2. In a skillet, add 1 tsp oil.  Add the cumin seeds. make sure they don't burn - as soon as they become aromatic, add the spices, tomatoes along with salt. Cook for 1 - 2 minutes.
3. Now add the florets and give it a good toss.
4. Close the lid, lower the heat to low-medium and let it cook for about 8-10 minutes
5. or until the cauliflower is soft.
6. Add the cilantro and curry leaves (if using)
Serve Hot. Easy Indian Styled Cauliflower Curry recipe

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7 Member Reviews

By Fimia on Jan 23, 2012

By Chitra on Jan 20, 2011

A very easy and yummy side dish, I must say! My son's favourite!

Read All 7 Reviews →


By zoe on May 4, 2014

:wink: thank you for your easy cauliflower i like it too much

By Gopal on Dec 31, 2013

:wink: Nice recipe

By Weekly Meal Plan – Making everyday cooking easy #11 on Jul 28, 2013

[...] Bhindi Kadhi, Easy Cauliflower Curry or [...]

By Melanie on Jan 4, 2013

:-P I have just cooked this and it was an excellent easy recipe to follow - it has turned out great! I do play around in the kitchen so I used fresh green chilies instead of the chilli powder and I ground the cumin & coriander seeds instead of using pre ground.. Also added some left over onion I will check out more of your recipes later Thanks!

By Chrissie on Mar 14, 2012

Well I've just made and eaten this and it's lovely. This is truly my favourite website. Thanks so much DK. Cx

By cauliflower curry recipe on May 13, 2011

[...] Indian Styled Cauliflower Curry Recipe | Gobi Subzi | Chef In You Sep 26, 2010 … Very simple, easy and quick recipe for cauliflower curry – an Indian subzi (side dish). [...]

By Jennie on Dec 18, 2010

I happened upon your site looking for advice on cooking acorn squash and got hooked immediately! It was very timely as my youngest daughter asked if we could institute one vegetarian day a week recently. We're thrilled to have so many quick, easy, healthy and scrumptious recipes to play with. Thank you! PS Cauliflower is her favourite veggie so this was our first choice... and YUM.

By Lauren on Oct 1, 2010

I am with you when you say that some days the last thing you want to do it cook dinner. I feel your pain and can appreciate your recipe all the more because most days the last thing I want to do is cook dinner for my husband and I. I tried this out the other day and it was delicious and so fast. Easy Recipes like this are essential. I will definitely be making this one again. I work with Better Recipes so I am always reviewing recipes but personally I love the recipes that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less.

By usha on Sep 27, 2010

The tomatoes gave the cauliflower a tangy taste and it was a nice way of eating cauliflower. As the name suggests, it is an easy recipe to make. Thanks. :wink:

By vanamala on Sep 27, 2010

Nice recipe

By Reena on Sep 27, 2010

hi,thanks for ur your mpt reply :wink: regards reena

By Nishi on Sep 27, 2010

Hey Divya, The curry looks so good. Just love it.

By Priya on Sep 27, 2010

Simple, easy and delicious curry..love it much..

By Reena on Sep 26, 2010

Hi, May I point out that this is not curry but sabzi

A "curry" is a generic term which also means any side dish in Indian cuisine, not necc. a gravy based dish. I have also referred it in my title as Subzi

By Cynthia on Sep 26, 2010

Everything you make is so appetizing.

By Radhika Shetty on Sep 26, 2010

A little ginger adds great taste to this dish.