I thought why not use that to make some dinner for the little one. My friend was like, its a waste cause since little "A "hated sprouts and wont eat them. So, I made some alternate meal for her just in case my experiment failed. I always believe vibrant colors and presentation do help since after all we all do eat with our eyes first. I wanted to distract her attention from the sprouts by way of adding more colors. Sometimes, in our quest to eat healthy, I think we tend to overdo it and go all the way. Just like dieting. The word "Diet" should be banned in my opinion. Diet should be replaced with lifestyle. I say this cos in our minds, the word diet is always seen to mean "temporary". Hence it never works. (OK that's for another post!)

Colorful mini bell peppers were taken out of fridge. The little one noticed me taking out (made sure of that), she loved the way they looked (
see the picture of them) and asked me questions. I told her imagine how something so beautiful will taste. She got curious. I then showed her the Oregano leaves growing in my potted plant in the kitchen. I asked her to slowly pluck out the baby leaves. (as in the pic) since she thought they were cute. Then I said, lets cook all of them together. I said, I am adding other ingredients just to compliment the rest of the "baby" things in the dish and showed her my
sprouting moth beans. Told her they were babies of a big plant. Since she "helped" me choosing ingredients and helping me in making this dish, she was curious about the taste. I added a little ghee on top of her bowl of pulao along with garnish. The full bowl was done and over with.She also informed us about how well she cooked and asked her mom to cook like her (!!!!) Kids! really :) :)
By sarah on Apr 21, 2015